
Are you ever looking at a web page with great information but want to find out if there's a simple, more easily-digestible version in video form? That's when it comes time to search on YouTube—except then you have to make another window or tab or leave the web page to perform that search. Search On YouTube is a Chrome extension that puts a tiny little YouTube viewer in your toolbar so you can search easily and trouble-free.
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Chrome/Firefox: Ever run into a video that's blocked because you aren't in a supported region? It's annoying, but ProxMate is a simple extension for Chrome and Firefox that unblocks region-specific content from YouTube, Hulu, and Grooveshark.
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Select Search for Chrome Adds a Search Balloon to Highlighted Text

Chrome: Select Search is a Chrome Extension that pops up a ballon with a number of search engines when you select a block of text. When you double-click on a word or phrase you can quickly pop open a search in Google, YouTube, Wikipedia, Binsearch, and others.More »
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If you're an avid YouTube watcher who switches across tabs a lot, you might finding pausing a video or adjusting volume a little difficult. Video Controller is an extension for Chrome that places a simple control panel on your toolbar to quickly pause or adjust volume regardless of which tab the video is in.
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Technology blog GHacks reports that YouTube is testing a new homepage design and that anyone can force this new design by adding a cookie to their browser. Here's how to do to so for Chrome and Firefox.
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Chrome: Google has released two official Google+ extensions for Chrome allowing you to quickly share links and get notifications while browsing, as well as new YouTube integration for your Google+ profile.
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Chrome: If you want to skim through your Facebook news feed without stopping for each YouTube video someone posts, the Facebook Video Player extension will play videos in the upper right-hand corner of your window, allowing you to keep browsing as it plays.
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Chrome/Firefox/Safari (User Script): If you're like me, you probably avoid most YouTube links because you don't know what's on the other end, and you don't want to waste time finding out. User script YouTube Link Title saves you from NSFW videos, rickrolls, and things that just aren't worth your time by warning you what's on the other side.
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Chrome: Watching YouTube videos almost always generates ideas for more videos to watch, but initiating a new search means closing the current video. With YT Background Search, you can look up what you'll queue next without closing the currently playing video.
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YouTube comments are some of the trolliest on the web, but you don't need an extra add-on to block them—just use Adblock Plus.
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What To Do After MobileMe Goes Away?
When Apple’s MobileMe service goes away in June 2012, what happens to the stuff I have stored on iDisk? Will Apple still store my material someplace else remotely on one of its servers that I can access via my laptop? Will I still have some sort of .Mac mail system that I can access when on the road and using a computer other than my own?
Apple says it won’t continue to have the equivalent of the iDisk online storage system, accessible directly from the cloud, after MobileMe gives way to its new iCloud service. It advises iDisk users to copy their online files to their Macs or PCs before next June. However, it says the new service will still support and email accounts, and they will still be accessible via the Web. It promises details later, but has in the meantime published a document answering common questions about the transition at .
Is there a good program that will allow me to capture a Web video, especially a YouTube video, and convert it into an MP4 format file so I can play it on my Android-based Iconia tablet while offline on an airplane?
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Chrome: YouTube is great, but some of its features are annoying. With the YouTube Options for Google Chrome extension, you can suppress in-video ads, remove comments, disable annotations, and more. The extension allows you to completely change the look and feel of YouTube.
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