Image Dictionary Adds a Wikipedia Image Search to Chrome Menus

Chrome: If you frequently search for image files when you encounter new animals, foods, and other words you can save time by installing Image Dictionary, a Chrome extension that can automatically display Wikipedia images for a word using a mouse clicks. More »
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Google Drive Releases an Official Chrome Extension, Adds Image Annotation

Google Drive got a few updates today, in the form of an official "Save to Drive" Chrome extension and a few new features to images stored in your Drive. More »
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SafeGmail Is a Simple Way to Encrypt Messages in Gmail

Chrome: When you need to send a private email to someone, you don't want it to sit around and be easily readable by anyone. SafeGmail is a Chrome extension that adds PGP-like encryption to you emails, and requires a simple answer to a question to unlock. More »
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HTTPS Everywhere 3.0 Keeps Your Data Safe on 1,500 More Web Sites

Chrome/Firefox: HTTPS Everywhere, the browser extension that , has updated to double the number of web sites it supports. If you aren't using it, you should be. More »
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Privacyfix Shows Who's Tracking You on the Web, Gives You the Tools to Stop It

Chrome/Firefox:Everyone's trying to track you on the web, and it's hard to keep track of you need to tweak. Privacyfix is here to help, showing you which privacy-invading features you have turned on in Facebook and Google, plus how to keep other sites from tracking you. More »
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SeenBefore Searches Only Recently Visited Sites on Google, Is Really Handy

Chrome: We've all been there once before. You're doing a bunch of research, find a really useful page, and forget to bookmark it, making it very hard to find later. SeenBefore fixes this problem by letting you search only your recently visited page on Google. More »
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Summer for Chrome Provides Biographical Details for People Mentioned in News Stories

Chrome: Keeping track of everyone in the news isn't easy. Summer is an extension for Chrome that provides short, biographical info on everyone mentioned in a news story without having to leave the page you're reading.More »
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Privacy Manager Puts Every Privacy Setting at Your Fingertips in Google Chrome

Chrome: If you tweak Chrome's privacy settings pretty often (like cookies, autofill, history, and others), Privacy Manager puts every single on of those settings in a simple dropdown, with on/off toggles for each one. More »
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Drag & Drop Search Is an Insanely Fast Way to Search the Web in Chrome

Chrome has a great feature that lets you select text and right-click it to search that term on Google. Drag & Drop Search is an extension that does something similar: You select text, then drag it somewhere on the page to search up to 16 different web sites. More »
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Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer: Facebook Chat now includes a feature that lets you know when a friend has read your message—or when you've read theirs. If you'd prefer to keep that information under wraps, Chat Undetected will do it for you.
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CLMapper Maps Out Craigslist Apartments for Your Hunting Convenience

Our favorite tool for finding the right apartment, PadMapper, is taking a little hiatus to retool. In the meantime, Chrome users have CLMapper, an extension that simply plots the location of Craigslist apartment ads onto an adjoining map.More »
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DeadMouse Surfs the Web With Just Your Keyboard

Chrome: DeadMouse is a Chrome extension that allows you to surf the web with only your keyboard. The idea is simple: if you want to click a link, just start typing it. DeadMouse will show you that you've selected it by making it wiggle on the page. All you have to do is press enter to choose it, tab to select the next option, or delete to cancel your selection. More »
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Clear for Chrome Quickly Deletes Your Browser HIstory for Specific Time Periods with a Right-Click

Chrome: It's not too cumbersome to delete your browser history in Chrome (Ctrl-Shift-Del on Windows or ⌘-Shift-Delete on Mac), but it takes a few seconds to check and uncheck boxes to suit your needs. Clear is a Chrome extension that adds an option to the right-click menu to do it instantly. More »
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Chromemote Is a Google TV Remote That Lives in Chrome

Chrome and Google TV: I recently discovered that Google TV is actually pretty great, and ever since I've been hearing about cool stuff people are doing with the platform. One such example is Chromemote, a Chrome extension that can control your Google TV. More »
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Most Popular iOS Web Browser: Chrome

Putting aside the issue of Apple not allowing other browsers to bring their own engines to the table in iOS, there's more to a great browser than just its engine, and there are plenty of great browsers for the iPhone and iPad. Deciding which one is the best for you is a matter of taste, but we asked you last week which ones you thought were the best. Then we tallied your nominations and took a look at the top five iOS web browsers and put them to a vote. Now we're back to highlight the winner. More »
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Five Best iOS Web Browsers

Safari may be the default browser for iOS, but it's far from the only one. There are plenty of great web browsers for the iPhone and iPad, and depending on the features you want—whether it's third-party plugins or tab syncing with your desktop, you have options. Last week we looked at the five best Android browsers, and this week we're going to look at the five best for iOS. More »
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