Replace Hated Words and Acronyms in Chrome with In My Words

Do acronyms such as YOLO, LOL, and OMG drive you crazy? Perhaps you'd rather not see a particular slur in your internet browsing? If you're a Chrome user the extension In My Words has you covered; it will replace any word or acronym you hate with your preferred word when using Chrome. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome

Chrome/Firefox/Internet Explorer: Facebook Chat now includes a feature that lets you know when a friend has read your message—or when you've read theirs. If you'd prefer to keep that information under wraps, Chat Undetected will do it for you.
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
How to Install Extensions that Aren't from the Official Chrome Web Store

When trying to upgrade to the latest LastPass update from the LastPass web site, I ran into an error claiming "Extensions, apps, and user scripts cannot be installed from this web site." If you ever run into a similar error, here's how to work around it. More »
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Chrome: Twitter is a great source for news, articles, and a good way to stay in touch with friends, but if your friends are obsessed with some annoying celebrity that you have no desire to read about, Purge Twitter Trends is a Chrome extension that strips specific celebrity trending topics from your feed so you can read in peace without being forced to unfollow them.
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
Kill Evil Gets Rid of Annoying JavaScript Tweaks All Over the Web

Chrome: Kill Evil is a simple extension that disables annoying scripts all across the web, like sites that won't let you right-click, sites that won't let you copy images, or sites that paste in citation links whenever you copy their text. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
Google Reader Inline Opens Articles Inside of Google Reader, No New Tabs Required
Chrome: Most of you use RSS regularly, but also note it's pretty annoying to stumble on an RSS feed that truncates the article for the sole purpose of getting you to click the link and leave your RSS reader. We feel your pain, and Google Reader Inline is a Chrome Extension that lets you read the full article without leaving Google Reader to do it. More »
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Whitespace Remover for Google Plus Cleans Up the New Google+ Layout on Chrome and Firefox

The new Google+ layout is pretty nice, but if you're looking at it on a widescreen monitor it adds a lot of whitespace. If you'd like to cut down on that whitespace and center everything, Whitespace Remover for Google Plus is a Chrome and Firefox extension that does just that.More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
How to Banish Embarrassing or Annoying Autocomplete Suggestions from Your Browser

Stop me if you've heard this one: Once upon a time, you visited a web site that you're not exactly proud of. Let's say the content of said web site rhymes with "corn". And oops! You forgot to go incongnito beforehand. You've frantically deleted the site from your history once you realized your mistake, but from this point forward, every time you type in "po", Chrome helpfully autocompletes the entire URL. THANKS CHROME! More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome

With each update, Facebook has gotten incrementally more cluttered, perplexing, and ornery—and I'm not even talking about all your annoying acquaintances flooding it with inane status updates. Yet, at the same time, it's become a tool few of us can live without. If Facebook has you on your last nerve, here's how to fix some of its biggest annoyances in a matter of minutes—and with only one new addition to your browser.
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
Chrome Officially Lets You Open All Email Links in Gmail

If you're sick of hitting an email link only to see your old email client open up on your desktop, Chrome has finally built in Gmail support, so links to email addresses open up right in your Gmail inbox. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
Fix Gmail's Newest Annoyances with These Userstyles and Userscripts

Now that Gmail's rolled out its new look and you've learned your way around the changes, it's time to fix the little quirks and annoyances that remain. Here are a few of our favorite userstyles and userscripts for making the best of the Gmail redesign. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
How to Use Your System's Default Print Dialog Instead of Chrome's Crashy Print Preview

Chrome has implemented a built-in print dialog that, by default, gives you a preview of your print job in a new tab and handles all of your printing needs without going through your operating system's default print dialog. It's a nice feature when it works, but in practice, the preview crashes—a lot—and when it does, the Print button is disabled. Here's how to work around Chrome's crashy print dialog so you can still get your print on when necessary. More »
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efTwo Supercharges Chrome's Find On Page By Finding Multiple Words at Once, Word Variations

Chrome: efTwo adds a new, more powerful "find on page" feature to Google Chrome, letting you search for multiple words at once as well as variations on each word, not exact matches. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
Tabs to the Front Automatically Focuses New Chrome Tabs

Chrome: When you right click on a link in Chrome and open it in a new tab, it opens it up in the background. Tabs to the Front switches this behavior to automatically focus on your newly opened tab. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome
WikiPreview Previews Linked Articles on Wikipedia, Saves You From Opening a Billion Tabs

Chrome: Sometimes, when you're reading Wikipedia, you need to open up another article to better understand the one you're reading. Wikipreview saves you from opening them in tabs by showing you a preview of that article when you mouse over it. More »
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- Feed: Lifehacker: Google Chrome